"We are all born mad. Some remain so."

Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)

"There couldn"t be a society of people who didn"t dream. They"d be dead in two weeks."

William S. Burroughs (1914-1997)

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009


Es stürmt...es regnet...

...und endlich wieder Uni!

Montag, 31. August 2009

Midlife crisis



Montag, 27. Juli 2009

Another Round

Slowly I awake
Feelin' dizzy and dazed
I look around
at the red and black floor
riddled with white
A flash of panic
in my ivory eyes
"Oh no, you bastard. Fuck you!
Not again!"
I shout at the huge hand in the sky
But my world
begins to spin

Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009

Ready wit

She stood up
and walked towards her
Stopped in front of her
few inches between them
Jumped up
and kicked
with the pretty aimed
toe of her boot
right through her mouth.
Teeth been spitted out
"Never mind...",
she said
"Now I can suck his cock
even better."

The opportunity

"You really love me, do you?"
she asked
He looked down
at her naked body
So perfectly built
"Yes, I do."
he replied
thought of her sister
and prepared
to mount

Montag, 13. Juli 2009

At the toilet

Foul smell
Curses on the last meal
Foul language
but if not here
where at all?
Pressing down the body
into the dark maze below your ass
Right direction with perfect aiming
Thank God
and let it go

No fun at all

Squeaking, screeching, squealing
with awful howling noise
the trains go by
The sky is pissing down your neck
into your pants
People moving, running, pushing
No fun at all
at a train station
on a rainy friday afternoon

I just raped my typewriter

I confess, I confess
to hitting the keys
printing that pile of shit to
the innocent white sheet of paper
pure gibberish dancing on the page
mocking, scourning and taunting
the reader
I admit my guilt
without feeling guilty
It came out of my mind
or not?
I just raped my typewriter
by typing

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009


Tjaja, der Titel ist garnicht mehr aktuell. Wer ist eigentlich Osnabrück?
Dröper heißt die Devise, echt schön hier. Grüne Wiesen, seichte Hügel...und lecker Bier im Kühlschrank. Ist das die Hauptsache?
Nein, nein, aber doch ein netter kleiner Aspekt, den man nicht vernachlässigen sollte.

Also, vielleicht gibt es hier ja mal wieder ein bisschen mehr zu sehen. So nach dem Motto "Less talk, more action!". Und schon wieder beim Schreiben dieser Zeilen den Widerspruch eingefangen.
Wer ihn findet...bitte am Ortsschild Dröper (das wenn man aus Richtung Wellendorf kommt) ablegen. Ich hole ihn dann ab...

Die gute alte Edith macht mich noch drauf aufmerksam, dass ich doch glatt in meinem Übermut den Titel vergessen habe. Danke Edith, hast einen gut...